Review Answers Shiur 20
1. According to Rashi because the blood comes into the heart when the animal is slaughtered, therefore it is dom hanefesh which has a prohibition of kares. [According to the Rif since it is the blood that the animal lives on it is liable for kares].
2. 1) it weakens the memory. 2) It leads to simplicity in thought.
3. It is smooth and according to some Rishonim does not absorb.
4. According to the Toras Chatas – no, according to the other answers in the Shach – yes.
5. According to the Toras Chatas the heart can be salted to remove the blood since it has the din of dam plaita. According to the Maharai it is assur. According to the Ramban it is mutar since the heart will not abosorb.
6. According to the Toras Chatas and Ramban – yes, the fact that the heart is smooth does not help for meat. Accroidng to the Maharai the other meat is mutar since the blood dries up inside the heart.
7. According to the Mechaber if the heart was salted 60 is only needed against the chambers.
According to the Rama 60 is always needs.
According to the Maharshal if the heart was salted 60 is only needed against the chambers.
According to the Minchas Yaakov if the heart is davuk to the chicken 60 is only needed against the chambers.
8. The blood is not considered davuk to the heart, the reason why the heart is assur is because the blood dries up inside it.
9. 1) It goes into the piece attached to first. 2) Perhaps the piece was outside the rotav or in the rotav by itself. We do not worry about this by issurai d'rabbanan. Therefore, it does not apply to our case.
10. According to the Shach even if the heart is not davuk, according to the Minchas Yaakov only if the heart was davuk.
Review Answers Shiur 21
1. Accoridng to the Mechaber ch'n'n does not apply to issurim other than basar b'chalav. Even according to the Rama ch'n'n by other issurim is d'rabbaban according to most poskim. According to RA"E it is d'oraisa even by other issurim.
2. It remains assur because of the din efshar l'sochato assur.
3. According the Mechaber the law of issur davuk does not apply to sha'ar issurim. According to the Rama it does. The reason in our case is memaher l'vloa.
4. If the heart was salted.
5. 1) memaher l'vloa 2) shema pam achas chutz l'rotav.
6. According to the Maharshal only if there is also meat stuffing that was not salted. According to the Rama the eggs can be included.
Review Answers Shiur 22
1. Yalta was Rav Nachman's wife, she said that any forbidden pleasure has a similar permitted pleasure (bacon chips) therefore liver is permitted.
2. 1) It is only permitted in its solid state. 2) It is always permitted (mid'oraisa).
3. The blood of the liver will osser other food but not itself.
4. According to Tosefos everything is mutar because salting will take out all the blood. According to Rashi the other meat is assur since salting might not take out all the blood.
5. According to Rashi even to eat the liver roasting the liver needs to be cut because the blood collects in the symponos. According to Tosefos if the liver is not cut not all the blood comes out. Therefore, the liver only needs to be cut if one wants to cook it after roasting.
6. 1) Abyee is following R' Yochanan ben Nuri but the Rabbanan argue with R' Yochanan ben Nuri.
2) The halacha is like R' Yishmael beno shel R' Yochanan ben Broka.
3) We do not know the difference between shaluk and bishul.
Review Answers Shiur 23
1. According to the Rama – yes, according to the Maharshal – no, according to the Taz – only by a chicken and only if it will not be cooked after roasting, according to the Shach, Pri Megadim and Chavas Da'as – only by a chicken but even if it will be cooked afterwards.
2. In the Mechaber it is a stam (mutar) v'yaish (assur). According to the Rama it is assur because we are not experts to differentiate be shaluk and bishul.
3. According to Sefardim it depends on how you hold by stam v'yaish. According to Ashkenazim it is assur but if a Moreh Hora'ah paskined that it is mutar we do not retract his psak.
4. According to the Mechaber it is mutar, according to the Rama it is assur.
5. 1) Liver gives off a lot of blood. 2) There is on difference here we are speaking where it was already cooked, in Siman 68 it is speaking about before cooking.
The differences are by liver that was not cooked and meat that was cooked.
6. According to the Mechaber – yes, according to the Taz the Rama holds no, according to the Minchas Yaakov the Rama holds yes.
Review Answers Shiur 24
1. According to the Taz salted liver m'ikar hadin has the din of salted meat, therefore it should not be roasted under meat just as any salted meat should not be roasted under unsalted meat. According to the Shach salted liver can be roasted under unsalted meat because we can rely on Rashi.
2. 1) The fire will reabsorb the blood that was drawn out by salting. 2) As a heker not to confuse liver with other meat.
3. The Taz wants to permit the liver if there 60 because the liver is not bolaya in combination of the fact that 60 is a chumra. However, his final psak is to me machmir.
4. No, because the blood of liver is only d'rabbanan, and because there is no blood to go except out.
5. According to the Maharshal if the chicken has stuffing.
6. It has the din of liver cooked with chicken, according to the Maharshal we can not include the stuffing to be mevatel the blood of liver, according to the Rama we can.
Review Answers Shiur 25
1. One must first remove the chailev and krum, it can then be salted like any other meat.
2. According to the Rokach and Issur V'heter they can not be salted but must be roasted. The Mechaber permits them to be salted and cooked. The Rama holds that l'chatchila they should be roasted but b'diavad if they were salted and cooked they are mutar.
3. The gizzard must be satled.
4. 1) the shuman can not be completely removed. 2) There is a little bit of blood which would give it the din of ain mevatlin issur l'chatchila.
5. It is mutar.
6. One side is enough since there is not a lot of blood in the shuman.
7. No, since it dissolves.
8. L'chatchila no, b'diavad according to the Rama they are mutar, according to the Taz and Shach they are assur.
9. They are mutar because of 1) mishrak sharik and 2) the bnai mayiim give off tzir so we can say aidi d'tarud.
Review Answers Shiur 26
1. According to the Rosh the meat does not need to be washed, the Ran brings that it does.
According to Tosefos and the Rosh it does not need to be salted first. According to Rashi it should be sated a little before roasting, according to the Ramabm it must be salted but not for shiur melicha.
2. According to the Mechaber washing and salting is not necessary. According to the Rama the meat should be washed and salt a little before roasting.
3. We do not say these principles by tzli. According to the Mechaber a n'tila is assur. According to the Rama 60 is needed against the blood but the n'tila remains assur.
4. By tzil a n'tila needs to be removed, by melicha a klipa needs to be removed.
5. 1) We do not diffrenciate between kachush and shamin. 2) nisrach.
6. According to the Taz the meat is assur and can not be roasted. According to the Shach yes if 18 minutes did not pass, since it is not true dam b'ain and driven into the meat with force.
Review Answers Shiur 27
1. B'diavad we do not worry about dam b'ain by roasting.
2. The blood will remain in the meat and will not be drawn into the fire.
3. yes
4. no
5. The jugular veins should be cut. If they are not cut the chicken can not be eaten unless the veins are cut in pieces and it is roasted.
6. According to the Mechaber the meat can be cut with a knife even during roasting and we do not worry that the knife will absorb blood. According to the Rama the meat should not cut but if it was cut the knife is mutar. According to the Rashal one should do hagala on the knife but if the knife was used without hagala the food is mutar.
7. According to the Mechaber it can be used for other food. According to the shpud needs libun but if it was used without libun the food is mutar. It is a machlokes if the Maharshal will osser the food that was used with the shpud.
8. If it does not penetrate the unsalted meat it can be used for other salted meat.
9. Enough that most people will eat it which is half cooked.
10. Two lumps of salt on the bottom of the kli will separate the blood from the fat, but we are not experts how much salt to use.
Review Answers Shiur 28
1. By roasting if the blood gets absorbed and goes out simultaneously.
2. He holds like Rashi that the meat should be salted a little to help the roasting and salting does not help if the meat is stuffed.
3. no
4. According to the Rama yes because the blood is drawn into the fire and does not go into the stuffing. According to the Shach the inside will absorb and is assur, we do not apply k'bolo kach polto to the inside since it is not in direct contact with the fire.
5. a) assur – case 4
b) assur – case 3
c) machlokes Rama and Shach.
6. If the meat was stuffed and the chicken was salted.
7. L'chatchila – no.
8. See shiur 27
9. According to the Tur it is mutar but we are not experts what is course so we are machmir.
10. The dough is assur, it is a machlokes if the meat is assur.
11. Since the poshtiada is thick it is more like cooking.